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Seasonal Pinterest
Keyword Spreadsheet
Over 800 of the most popular seasonal keyword searches on  Pinterest at your fingertips!

What you're getting:
  • A Google sheet of over 800 Pinterest keywords divided into the categories of
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Autumn
    • Halloween
    • Christmas
  • Sub-categories include:
    • General
    • Home & Decor
    • Beauty
    • Crafts
    • Kids
    • Photography
    • Travel
    • Events
    • Art & Design
    • Fashion
    • Health
    • Food & Drink

  • Total payment
  • 1xPinterest Seasonal Keyword Spreadsheet$0

All prices in USD

  • Will these keywords be suitable for my business?
    Yes! These keywords are very generic and tied to the seasons, there will be keywords here that you can use in your pins. Think outside the box - if these are the search terms your customers are using - how can you apply them to your own content?
  • Will you be updating the planner next year?
    Absolutely! I'll be reviewing the keywords and looking for new trends to add twice a year and you'll automatically be sent any updates to the product free of charge.
  • How should I use these keywords?
    You can use these keywords on the image of your pin, in the pin title and in the pin description. There are instructions within the document to help you.
